Tag Archives: Cambridgeshire

A lesson in community cohesion

With the spotlight on the imminent eviction of residents from Dale Farm, a large, illegal Gypsy and Traveller site in Essex, will councils face even greater community opposition to developing sites in the future?

Examples of good-practice sites may be less headline-grabbing, but there are perhaps lessons to be learned when it comes to building trust and co-operation within communities.

Experts on Gypsy and Traveller issues have praised Fenland Council in March, Cambridgeshire, for developing positive relations with the travelling community and fostering a general acceptance of Gyspies and Travellers by the settled community.

Unlike other councils in the East of England, Fenland has only a small number of sites without planning permission, which is key to avoiding community tensions like those at Dale Farm.

Marta Clayton went to Fenland to find out more.


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Dale Farm eviction looms

New warning about localism for Gypsies and Travellers

“Lives at risk” say Dale Farm campaigners

Localism: who’s really got the power?





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